Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)

The DMT Journals, by Hash C. Borgir

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Welcome to The DMT Journals

DMT is the world’s most powerful hallucinogenic tryptamine, next to 5-MeO-DMT. Learn about DMT as Psychedelics Daily.

Extended State DMT: Prolong the DMT Flash

I wanted to find a way to prolong this experience, to slow it down, and to be able to deeply study every single aspect of it, says Hash C. Borgir - Author of 1200 DMT Trips: …

ReadingTime: 7 min

1200 DMT Trips: Navigating the Other Side

Over 600 DMT experiments I've broken through. Over 600 more, I slowly navigated to the Other Side gradually increasing the dose from 5 mg to 120 mg and documenting the experiences.

ReadingTime: 5 min

What is DMT?

Essential Guide to DMT, The Most Powerful Psychedelic Drug: What Is DMT And What Are The Effects?

ReadingTime: 11 min

Pineal Gland & DMT: Is DMT Produced In The Brain?

Rick Strassman conjectured about the pineal and DMT. The current research does not support the claim that these enzymes are produced by the Pineal

ReadingTime: 8 min

Chaos And Comedy: The Transformative Power Of DMT's Jester Archetype And The Trickster's Influence

Explore the profound impact of DMT's Jester Archetype and its connection to the Trickster figure. Discover how chaos and comedy can transform psychedelic experiences, challenging …

ReadingTime: 41 min

The Potential Benefits Of Smoking DMT For The Mind And Body

This article examines the possible benefits of smoking DMT while acknowledging the importance of responsible use and cautionary measures.

ReadingTime: 15 min

Enter The DMT: A Journey Through Mystical Realms And Cosmic Wonders

Explore the surreal realms of the DMT, where reality bends and consciousness transcends. A journey of mystical encounters and cosmic wonders awaits.

ReadingTime: 44 min

Explore the Classic Psychedelics

Classic psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT have been used for thousands of years for their powerful mind-expanding effects, but it's crucial to approach them with caution. Here are some tips for safely exploring classic psychedelics.

By following these guidelines, you can have a safe and transformative experience with classic psychedelics. As always, if you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Hash. Send me an email. Check out the contact page.

Explore the Mysterious Spirit Molecule, DMT!


Explore the Mysterious Spirit Molecule, DMT!

Take a journey with this revolutionary drug.


Take a journey with this revolutionary drug.

Discover the power of Psilocybin Mushrooms!


Discover the power of Psilocybin Mushrooms!

Learn about the psilocybin analogue used for microdosing!


Learn about the psilocybin analogue used for microdosing!

Salvia Divinorum is the most potent psychedelic known to man!


Salvia Divinorum is the most potent psychedelic known to man!

MDMA has been cleared for clinical trials in psychotherapy.


MDMA has been cleared for clinical trials in psychotherapy.