4-AcO-DMT is also known as Psilacetin and O-Acetylpsilocin.

  • Psychedelic: 4-AcO-DMT

  • Common Name: (4-Acetoxy-DMT, 4-AcO, Psilacetin, O-Acetylpsilocin, Synthetic shrooms)

  • Full Name: 4-Acetoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine

  • Chemical Formula: C14H18N2O2


4AcODMT (or psilacetin) is a semisynthetic tryptamine closely related to the “magic mushroom” molecules psilocin and psilocybin. Like psilocybin, it appears to be metabolized by the body into psilocin.

Most people buy psilacetin as a brown or offwhite powder that can be mixed with water just prior to dosing. But it’s also available in pills, tablets, capsules, and gel tabs among other preparations.

While some find the effects indistinguishable from psilocybin mushrooms, others say it’s more like DMT. The difference may be dosedependent. But mysticaltype experiences are common, as are philosophical insights and a sense of empathic wellbeing.



4AcODMT is usually sold as a fumarate salt (4AcODMT fumarate) containing on average 1 mg pure 4AcODMT for every 1.24 mg of the powder.1 2 If it’s a hydrochloride salt (4AcODMT HCl), it will contain on average 1 mg pure 4AcODMT for every 1.15 mg of the powder.2 In practice the difference may be negligible, but it’s worth knowing. Given the prevalence of 4AcODMT fumarate—and that it contains less of the active indole alkaloid—it’s safe to assume dosage guidelines found online pertain to the fumarate salt.

As a powder, 4AcODMT is usually taken orally, but it can also be taken intranasally (snorted/insufflated). For other methods see FAQ. Either way, it’s processed more rapidly by the body than psilocybin mushrooms, typically resulting in a faster, more intense onset.

Even highend doses are tiny, as with DMT, so you’ll need a digital milligram scale to weigh out your desired amount, based on the following ranges:

Oral 4AcODMT dosage (effects: mg)

3 4 5

  • Threshold: 2.5 – 5
  • Light: 5 – 10
  • Common: 10 – 25
  • Strong: 25 – 40
  • Heavy: 40+

Intranasal 4AcODMT dosage (effects: mg)

3 4

  • Threshold: <5
  • Light: 5 – 10
  • Common: 10 – 20
  • Strong: 20 – 30
  • Heavy: 30+

What to expect

The duration and timeline of effects will depend on a number of factors—like whether you’ve eaten beforehand—but they should fall within the following ranges:


3 5 6

  • Onset: 10 – 45 min
  • Comeup: 30 min – 2 hr
  • Plateau/peak: 2 – 3 hr
  • Comedown: 1 – 2 hr
  • Total duration: 3 – 8 hr


3 6

  • Onset: 5 – 25 min
  • Comeup: 30 – 60 min
  • Plateau/peak: 1 – 3 hr
  • Comedown: 45 min – 1.5 hr
  • Total duration: 2 – 6 hr

Immediate aftereffects (such as an afterglow) may last up to 48 hours.3 5 6

While some consider the effects of 4AcODMT identical to those of psilocybin mushrooms, others point out the differences. They may find it mellower and more euphoric than mushrooms, for instance, or they may liken it to DMT—especially at high doses—for its vivid visionary effects.6 7 8 3

You’re unlikely to experience all of the effects listed below, but they’ll give you some idea of what to expect:3 5 6 9 10


  • Euphoria, laughter
  • Mental/physical stimulation, e.g. a pleasant “buzz”
  • Enhanced vision, e.g. brighter colors
  • Enhanced appreciation for music/images/film, etc.
  • Enjoyment of otherwise mundane tasks
  • Enhanced creativity or flow of ideas
  • Increased empathy
  • Introspective insights
  • Philosophical thoughts
  • Mystical/spiritual experience
  • Feelings of wonder
  • Inner peace or a sense of rapture


  • Sensitivity to light (pupil dilation)
  • Open/closedeye visuals, e.g. geometric patterns
  • Synesthesia
  • Enhanced peripheral vision, e.g. motion detection
  • Sound distortion/auditory hallucinations
  • Compulsive yawning
  • Sedation or stimulation
  • Increased or decreased emotional sensitivity
  • Time distortion
  • Temporary amnesia
  • Softening or loss of ego


  • Overstimulation, e.g. significantly increased heart rate
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Sweating/chills/flushing
  • Muscle fatigue/aching
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion/fear/anxiety
  • Difficulty verbalizing thoughts
  • Disturbing visions
  • Overwhelming ideas
  • Paranoia

It’s fairly common to perceive an “additional layer” to reality, sometimes manifesting as an “energy field” around objects. Changes in perception of gravity or bodily sensations are also commonly reported. In addition to visual patterns, some people experience “external” hallucinations of seemingly autonomous entities. At highend doses, “egodeath” is commonly reported, and many selfexperimenters temporarily forget their own names.11 12 3 13


As ever, it’s wise to start with a small dose and work your way up through subsequent trips.5 The importance of accurate measurements cannot be overstated. As one psychonaut put it, “it’s easy to accidentally swallow what would be equivalent to a trash bag of shrooms.”14

All the usual precautions regarding set and setting apply, and obviously you should avoid driving. Having a sober sitter present may be useful.

It’s also a good idea to avoid eating for at least a couple of hours beforehand. Although nausea tends to be less common than with psilocybin mushrooms (perhaps because of the indigestible chitin they contain),5 upset stomachs are are common during the onset of 4AcODMT.15 16 The taste of the powder itself can be unpleasant enough to cause nausea or vomiting, though, so you may want to chase it down with juice.

Therapeutic Use

As a more stable prodrug of psilocin than psilocybin, and one that’s more easily synthesized, 4AcODMT may be useful for clinical research.17 It was used, for example, to test the hypothesis that 5HT2A agonists can alleviate withdrawal symptoms and even prevent addictions from forming. Opiatedependent rodents given 4AcODMT were effectively cured of their addiction. And a single dose of 4AcODMT given prior to chronic nicotine exposure blocked their transition to a nicotinedependent state. How 4AcODMT may be used to treat addiction in humans remains to be seen, but these results support neurobiological theories of dependence—and in particular the hypothesis that serotonergic agents can be used to regulate underlying mechanisms involving GABA (gammaaminobutyric acid) receptors and BDNF (brainderived neurotrophic factor) in the ventral tegmental area of the brain.18

The authors of this study also suggested that 4AcODMT might be useful for the treatment of depression via the same pathway and the regulation of “aberrant glutamatergic activity.” In fact, 5HT2A agonists could offer substantially longerlasting relief than drugs regulating glutamatergic activity via different pathways, such as the NMDA (NmethylDaspartate) antagonist ketamine.18

Anecdotal reports appear to lend further support. Whereas prescribed antidepressants can have a “numbing” effect, for instance, 4AcODMT is said to help resolve underlying “emotional damage.” One man was able to overcome his PTSD through just six trips, describing the compound as “lifechanging” and likening his experiences with it to “unknotting scar tissue” and rediscovering his “inner confident self.” Another selfmedicator, a victim of childhood abuse, said she was able to work through her trauma with 4AcODMT and move on with her life in a way that prescribed medications actively seemed to prevent.19 And yet another, frustrated with conventional antidepressants, credited 4AcODMT with allowing him to “experience happiness and connection,” while also decreasing his reliance on alcohol.20

Even microdoses of 4AcODMT appear beneficial. Depressed or anxious individuals report a mood lift and emotional stability that lasts for days. Some have also used it to wean off dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals.

Legal Status

4AcODMT legality can be ambiguous. Although it’s federally unscheduled in the US, for instance, manufacturing, distributing, or possessing the compound for human consumption is technically in violation of the Federal Analogue Act.21 But prosecutions are practically unheard of.

The situation is similar elsewhere.

The following information may not always reflect the latest developments, but we’ll endeavor to keep it up to date. It is only intended to cover the personal, nonmedical possession and use of 4AcODMT.

It’s unclear whether 4AcODMT is technically legal in any country at present.

Countries where 4AcODMT is decriminalized

There appears to be no risk of a criminal penalty for the personal (i.e. “small” quantity) possession or use of 4AcODMT in:

  • Argentina22
  • Armenia22
  • Chile22
  • Colombia22
  • Costa Rica22
  • Croatia22
  • Czech Republic22
  • Estonia22
  • Germany22
  • Italy22
  • Mexico22
  • Netherlands22
  • Norway23 24
  • Paraguay25
  • Peru25
  • Poland25
  • Portugal25
  • Russian Federation25
  • Spain25
  • Switzerland25
  • Uruguay25

Important: Decriminalization isn’t a free pass to use 4AcODMT however you want. The specifics depend on the country or region and, crucially, on the amount you have in your possession. Confiscation is common, but there may be other, more severe noncriminal outcomes such as fines, driving license suspension, and deportation.

Countries where 4AcODMT is illegal

Although 4AcODMT is illegal or controlled in each of these countries, there may be regional or circumstantial (e.g. religious) exceptions, as noted below:

  • United States21
  • United Kingdom26 27
  • Australia28
  • New Zealand29
  • Belgium3
  • Sweden30
  • Brazil31

Countries where the law is unclear

Countries that appear to have legislated neither for nor against 4AcODMT, or where enforcement is unclear, include:

  • Canada32


4AcODMT, like psilocybin (4PODMT), is an ester of psilocin (4HODMT). Whereas psilocybin is the Ophosphorylated form, naturally occurring in “magic mushrooms,” 4AcODMT is the Oacetylated form, hence the name OAcetylpsilocin.33 3 In other words, 4AcODMT has the same basic structure as both psilocin and psilocybin, but with an acetoxy group bonded to its indole ring.

Receptor binding

Very little data exist on the receptor binding and metabolism of 4AcODMT. Like psilocybin, it’s thought to be a prodrug of psilocin—in this case deacetylated to psilocin during firstpass metabolism by the stomach and liver.34 33 3 On that basis, we can safely assume that 4AcODMT has roughly the same mechanism of action—primarily activating (like many other psychedelics) the 5HT2A serotonin receptors.

But some think it may be more than just a prodrug of psilocin. Anecdotal reports of nearimmediate psychoactivity when injected or smoked (i.e. when bypassing firstpass metabolism) suggest it may have its own pharmacodynamic profile.35 This could also account for some of the perceived differences between psilocybin and 4AcODMT when taken orally. That said, it’s worth noting that naturally occurring psilocybin tends to be accompanied in mushrooms by other alkaloids with presumed effects of their own, such as baeocystin and norbaeocystin36 37 38 —neither of which are present in 4AcODMT powders.

Safety and toxicity

Because of the pharmacological similarities, 4AcODMT is assumed to be just as safe and nonaddictive as psilocybin/psilocin. Although clinical research is lacking—especially into its longterm effects and toxic overdose (if any)—it appears to be safe anecdotally. A number of 4AcODMT trip reports link very high doses to blackouts, vomiting, heart problems, hypertension, and seizures,39 40 41 42 43 but not fatalities—at least in the absence of other drugs.

Lithium, tramadol, stimulants (e.g. amphetamines, cocaine), and cannabis have each been linked to psychosis or seizures when combined with psychedelics.3 44 45 As with any substance, you should avoid taking 4AcODMT, or at least do so cautiously, if you’re prone to psychosis, seizures, heart problems, blood pressure problems, or mental health issues such as severe anxiety. This list is not meant to be comprehensive, though; always do your own research before taking any unfamiliar substance.

History & Stats

Brief history

4AcODMT was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann (who discovered LSD) and his colleague Franz Troxler at Sandoz laboratories in Switzerland. It was patented by the company, along with a number of other indole esters, in 1963.46 But it wasn’t until the 1990s that we first saw 4AcODMT for sale alongside various “research chemicals” and “designer drugs.”47

Current use

Nowadays, 4AcODMT is the most popular of the synthetic/semisynthetic tryptamines—although the use of these substances remains limited.47 34 For instance, while only 81  (3.55%) of the 2,282 US respondents to the 23 Global Drug Survey reported ever having tried 4AcODMT, substantially fewer people had ever tried 4HODiPT (22 or 0.96%), 4HOMiPT (20 or 0.88%), or even the relatively well known 5MeODMT (72 or 3.16%).48 The 27 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, meanwhile, found that of 56,276 respondents, only three (0.%) had ever used 4AcODMT.49

Despite these limited numbers, the use of tryptamines in general (natural and synthetic) appears to have increased over the past couple of decades. According to the DEA, the estimated number of tryptamine reports to state and local laboratories in 26 was just 42, whereas in 20 it was 474.47

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:“4acodmt”,“geo”:“US”,“time”:“24 2918”},{“keyword”:“psilacetin”,“geo”:“US”,“time”:“24 2918”},{“keyword”:“oacetylpsilocin”,“geo”:“US”,“time”:“24 2918”}],“category”:0,“property”:""}, {“exploreQuery”:“date=all&geo=US&q=4acodmt,psilacetin,oacetylpsilocin”,“guestPath”:“https://trends.google.com:443/trends/embed/"});

Worldwide interest in 4AcODMT apparently peaked in September 20, having been gradually climbing over the previous few years. It reached an alltime high in July 22 and interest appears to have declined since then. Of course, this graph only charts interest by Google web search, so this apparently “declining interest” might just reflect a shifting of sales to the darknet—or of queries to other websites such as Reddit.


“4AcODMT is a dodgy research chemical”

Some people avoid 4AcODMT in the mistaken belief that it’s just another dodgy “research chemical,” a drug hastily designed as a legalbydefault standin for a safer but prohibited substance—in this case psilocybin.50 51 This assumption places 4AcODMT in the same shady category as the NBOMe series and other research chemicals linked to numerous deaths.52 53 54

However, 4AcODMT was not originally designed to circumvent the law. Although it may have become popular in response to the banning of psilocybin mushrooms, it was originally patented in 1963—five years before psilocybin was banned in the US.55

And while 4AcODMT hasn’t been clinically tested on humans, fatalities appear to be nonexistent and health issues are uncommon. Given its close structural similarities to psilocybin and psilocin, it’s unlikely to be physically dangerous for most people.

Obviously the legality of 4AcODMT will depend on where you live. However, you may be in for a surprise if you expect it to be just like psilocybin. Although many find it comparable, it’s often described as being more like DMT.56

Another problem with the statement above is that, for many people, “legal” tends to imply “weak” or “ineffective.” This can make new trippers complacent when it comes to measuring doses. And since all it takes with 4AcODMT is a few extra milligrams to profoundly alter the effects, this misconception could be especially problematic.


Can 4AcODMT be detected in a drug test?

Psilocin is rarely screened for, so 4AcODMT is unlikely to be detected in a drug test. Although some types of extended drug test (e.g. for criminal probation) are capable of detecting psilocin, they’re only really used when its use is already suspected.

According to Erowid, psilocin can remain in the system for several weeks, and in the urine specifically for up to one week.25

Can I test my 4AcODMT to find out if it’s safe to take?

Testing your 4AcODMT is always good practice even when you trust your supplier. Reagent test kits from Bunk Police can identify hundreds of adulterants and substitutes—offering peace of mind and potentially saving your life.

The Marquis, Mecke, and Mandelin reagents, for example, can help identify real 4AcODMT. Simply place a tiny amount of 4AcODMT into a sterile test tube or onto a sterile white ceramic surface and add a few drops of the reagent. Then check the color change (or lack thereof) against the supplied spectrum booklet.

Can it cause psychological trauma?

Although 4AcODMT has never been clinically tested on humans, longterm mental health issues are practically unheard of. That doesn’t mean it’s entirely safe, of course; longterm health effects are notoriously hard to gauge. But it does suggest that even bad trips are generally well tolerated—and this is to be expected given 4AcODMT’s pharmacological similarities to the relatively well studied psilocin and psilocybin.

That said, you should probably avoid taking it if you’re prone to psychosis or other serious mental health conditions.

Are there risks?

Physical risks include vomiting, loss of consciousness, and seizures, but these are fairly uncommon. As far as we know, nobody has died from taking 4AcODMT—nor is it likely to be physically dangerous for most people.

As with any psychedelic, it should probably be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women or anyone prone to seizures, heart problems, blood pressure problems, or mental health issues like severe anxiety—if only to err on the side of caution given the lack of clinical research.

How should I take 4AcODMT?

Most people swallow the powder with water or take it intranasally by snorting/insufflating. For dosage guidelines, see [


Some have also experimented with smoking or vaporizing 4AcODMT, either as a salt (as it’s usually sold) or as an evaporated freebase, with mixed results. It may be a waste of the substance, though, because this method appears to require more of it for relatively minimal, mostly shortlived effects.57 Smoking it with cannabis appears to produce stronger effects,58 59 but extreme caution is advised (see below on combining 4AcODMT with other drugs).

Some other routes of administration include injection60 (intravenous or intramuscular) and rectal “plugging” or “boofing.”59 61 Each of these methods is said to significantly alter the experience, but anecdotal reports are rare.

What’s the best place to buy 4AcODMT online?

Because of its legal ambiguity, the research chemical market tends to be quite volatile; so a recommendation made today might not be valid tomorrow.

If it’s legal where you live, you should be able to buy 4AcODMT online. You could also check forums for uptodate listings of the highestrated suppliers.

How do I know if I have real 4AcODMT?

If you get it from a reputable 4AcODMT supplier, that’s one assurance. But research chemicals can and do get missold. Whether or not you trust your vendor, it’s advisable to verify the substance with a 4AcODMT test kit. Although testing kits cannot guarantee the presence of 4AcODMT (or tell you the purity), they can at least rule it out if you’ve been sent something else entirely.

Genuine 4AcODMT should react like this to the Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, and Simmons reagents.

Can I microdose with 4AcODMT?

Yes! Here’s our guide to microdosing 4AcODMT.

How quickly does 4AcODMT tolerance develop?

Tolerance develops immediately and takes roughly one to two weeks to return to baseline.3 62 63 You should also expect a crosstolerance effect with other psychedelics—not just psilocin, but LSD, MDMA, 2CB, and others that work via the 5HT (serotonin) receptors. These substances, and perhaps others, are likely to be less effective when taken within seven to fourteen days of 4AcODMT.

Can I mix it with other drugs?

As mentioned in the Safety and toxicity section above, 4AcODMT probably shouldn’t be taken alongside lithium, tramadol, or stimulants like amphetamines or cocaine. These have all been linked to psychosis or seizures when combined with psychedelics. The same is true of cannabis, although some find it synergistic with 4AcODMT, intensifying some of the visual, sensory, and cognitive effects. MDMA is also reported to be synergistic, though unpredictable; if combining 4AcODMT with MDMA, lower doses of each are recommended to avoid potential neurotoxicity and other problems. Ketamine is said to enhance visual effects, euphoria, and of course dissociation—but, like any drug combination, it should be approached with caution, taking note of the relevant warnings.3

Some drug combinations are advised against because they diminish the effects of 4AcODMT, while potentially adding negative effects of their own. Alcohol is one example, and benzodiazepines may negate the effects of 4AcODMT entirely.3


Effects. Retrieved from https://erowid.org/chemicals/4_acetoxy_dmt/4_acetoxy_dmt_effects.shtml.

  1. Psychedelic Science Review. (29, Mar 25). The Crystal Structure of 4AcODMT Fumarate. Retrieved from https://psychedelicreview.com/thecrystalstructureof4acodmtfumarate/↩︎

  2. reformer. (20, Dec 7). More on 4AcODMT [Online forum comment]:. Message posted to https://drugsforum.com/threads/moreon4acodmt.149679/#post926593↩︎ ↩︎

  3. PsychonautWiki. (28, Nov 25). 4AcODMT. Retrieved from https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/4AcODMT↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Erowid. (29, Feb 15). 4AcetoxyDMT Vault : Dose/Dosage. Retrieved from https://erowid.org/chemicals/4_acetoxy_dmt/4_acetoxy_dmt_dose.shtml↩︎ ↩︎

  5. Tripsit wiki. OAcetylpsilocin. Retrieved from https://wiki.tripsit.me/wiki/4AcODMT↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. Erowid. (25, Feb 10). 4AcetoxyDMT Vault : ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  7. bran man. (21, Aug 22). Extremely Potent Oops: An Experience with 4AcODMT (exp92557). Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=92557↩︎

  8. Goddess Mode. (27, Aug 2). DMT and Mushrooms Fans Look No Further: An Experience with 4AcODMT (exp1473). Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=1473↩︎

  9. PsychedSubstance. (27, Oct 1). SYNTHETIC SHROOMS | “What is it & are they dangerous?” [Video file]:. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8PA8sTN14g↩︎

  10. 4acothrowaway. Short term memory loss on 4AcoDmt [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/2e3cn4/short_term_memory_loss_on_4acodmt/↩︎

  11. Roygbiv. (28, May 8). The Ultimate Duality: An Experience with 4AcODMT (exp68366). Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=68366↩︎

  12. wabbytax. (23, Jul 13). Vastly Unprepared: An Experience with 4AcODMT (exp94917). Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=94917↩︎

  13. Erowid Experience Vaults. 4AcODMT (also 4acetoxyN,Ndimethyltryptamine) : Erowid Exp: Main Index. Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_4AcODMT.shtml↩︎

  14. Ticklish, D.H. (28, Feb 2). “a Giant Chinese Finger Trap Made Of Rainbows…” – Part 1. Retrieved from https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/xda85w/chinesefingertrapv15n2↩︎

  15. Sam. (22, Jan 13). A Well Deserved Poisoining: An Experience with 4AcODMT (exp88848). Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=88848↩︎

  16. Allywizdum. (27, Feb 9). Momentarily Losing Consciousness and Collapsing: An Experience with 4AcODMT (exp14). Retrieved from https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=14↩︎

  17. Nichols, D.E., Frescas, S. (1999). Improvements to the Synthesis of Psilocybin and a Facile Method for Preparing the OAcetyl Prodrug of Psilocin. Synthesis, 6:935938. ↩︎

  18. VargasPerez, H. et al. (27). A single administration of the hallucinogen, 4acetoxydimethyltryptamine, prevents the shift to a drugdependent state and the expression of withdrawal aversions in rodents. European Journal of Neuroscience, 45(11):14101417. ↩︎ ↩︎

  19. Rafaeli, J.S. (26, Nov 8). Heroin for Trauma and Psychedelics for PTSD: Meeting People Who SelfMedicate with Illegal Drugs. Retrieved from https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/ava7vg/peoplewhoselfmedicatewithillegaldrugs↩︎

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  21. Muniz, Y. (27, Mar 11). Designer Drugs and the Federal Analog Act. Retrieved from https://law.fiu.edu/designerdrugsfederalanalogact/↩︎ ↩︎

  22. TalkingDrugs. (20). Drug Decriminalisation Across the World. Retrieved from https://www.talkingdrugs.org/drugdecriminalisation↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  23. Lovdata. Not available: Drugs Regulations, etc. (Drug List). Retrieved from https://lovdata.no/dokument/SFO/forskrift/1978308↩︎

  24. Government.no. (29, Dec 20). – A historic day for Norwegian drug policy. Retrieved from https://www.regjeringen.no/en/aktuelt/historicdayfornorwegiandrugpolicy/id2683528/↩︎

  25. Erowid. (28, Feb 25). Erowid Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Drug Testing. Retrieved from https://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms_testing.shtml↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  26. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Retrieved from http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1971/38/schedule/2/part/I/paragraph/3↩︎

  27. Psychoactive Substances Act 26. Retrieved from http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/26/2/section/2↩︎

  28. Australian Government. (20, Jan 31). The Poisons Standard (the SUSMP). Retrieved from https://www.tga.gov.au/publication/poisonsstandardsusmp↩︎

  29. New Zealand Legislation. (1975, Oct 10). Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. Retrieved from http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1975/16/latest/DLM4361.html#DLM436576↩︎

  30. Föreskrifter om ändring i Läkemedelsverkets föreskrifter (LVFS 21:10) om förteckningar över narkotika; HSLFFS 27:1. Retrieved from https://lakemedelsverket.se/upload/lvfs/HSLFFS_27_1.pdf↩︎

  31. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. (26, Dec 2). RESOLUÇÃO DA DIRETORIA COLEGIADA – RDC N° 130, DE 2 DE DEZEMBRO DE 26. Retrieved from http://portal.anvisa.gov.br/documents/181/3115436/%281%29RDC_130_26_.pdf/fc7ea43ff54fc1bcfe2f375d28b7↩︎

  32. Canada. (20, Feb 11). Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (S.C. 1996, c. 19). Retrieved from https://loislaws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C38.8/↩︎

  33. Geiger, H.A., Wurst, M.G., Daniels, R.N. (28). DARK Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Psilocybin. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 9(10):24382447. ↩︎ ↩︎

  34. PalmaConesa, Á.J. et al. (27). Something New about Something Old: A 10Year FollowUp on Classical and New Psychoactive Tryptamines and Results of Analysis. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 49(4):2973. ↩︎ ↩︎

  35. feelgoodhit. (28, Feb 26). 4AcODMT vs. Psilocin [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/4acodmtvspsilocin.3658/↩︎

  36. Gartz, J. (1991). Further investigations on psychoactive mushrooms of the genera Psilocybe, Gymnopilus and Conocybe. Annali dei Musei Civici di Rovereto, 7:265274. ↩︎

  37. Psychedelic Science Review. (28, Dec 9). Baeocystin: An Ignored Psilocybin Derivative. Retrieved from https://psychedelicreview.com/baeocystinignoredpsilocybinderivative/↩︎

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  57. Choronzon333. (20, Oct 7). Vaporizing 4acodmt? [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/vaporizing4acodmt.528954/↩︎

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  59. Chriee. I smoked a bowl of 4acodmt last night [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/51tlzo/i_smoked_a_bowl_of_4acodmt_last_night/↩︎ ↩︎

  60. Bill_Oreilly. (22, Mar 31). Re: The OFFICIAL Iv’ing of 4acodmt (LAST TRIP REPORT) Level 10 trip [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/164975↩︎

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  62. YYCtoTLV. 4ACODMT tolerance [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/4qt6s4/4acodmt_tolerance/↩︎

  63. starfire_xes. (23, Feb 2). 4acodmt tolerance [Online forum thread]:. Thread posted to https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/17732865↩︎